In the Gulf of Thailand lies Koh Samui, the country’s second-largest island, decorated in mighty palm trees that stand tall beside the playful waves of the Indian Ocean. The island is a popular tourist destination as foreigners walk in and out of Koh Samui to spend a well-deserved break by the soft breezes of the sea. In search of safety tips for your vacation on the island? Look no further.

Travelling Safely
While the island is perfectly safe for travellers, travelling to and from a Koh Samui resort does carry an element of risk, as would any tourist destination in the world. Beware of taxi drivers that may try to grab the opportunity of ripping off a foreigner. Only travel in taxis with meters and ensure to request to switch it on before stepping into the vehicle, from your holiday haven in Anantara Bophut Koh Samui Resort. Do carry travel insurance no matter how short the stay is.
Scams to Be Aware Of
While the chances of encountering scams are rather scary, it is safe to be aware of what may come by as you hire jet skis or motorbikes for aquatic sports or a simple adventure in the city. Reports of owners falsely claiming that these items were returned in the damaged form will cost you money and your vacation. Therefore, ensure to snap pictures of the item that you hire from every angle possible so that you will be at the liberty of defending yourself under such false claims.
Be Mindful of Your Valuables
Koh Samui is a traveller’s utopia of daring adventures. While your survival kit may carry a considerable portion of money and valuables, it is advisable that you only carry a very little portion of it when stepping out. Simply keep the rest locked in a safe in your hotel as you do not want to risk losing important items. A rule of thumb is to ensure that you only step into ATMs that are located in secure and reputed buildings, and to avoid the ones along the roads.
Other Safety Concerns
Koh Samui is your perfect island getaway, for days and nights of music, entertainment, shopping and adventure. However, do be mindful of little things that might slip away from your mind as you revel in island bliss. Never leave your drink unattended that exposes it to the risk of being spiked and always respect the bans on smoking as you do not want to be trapped in a Koh Samui jail or pay a large fine to cover your trails.