She sells seashells on the sea shore of Seychelles. Lovely tongue twister, isn’t it?! Comprising of around 155 paradise islands, here are some reasons why you should make Seychelles your next destination. Pack your bags and get going!
Let’s go to the beach

Imagine sinking your toes on a bed of pristine white sand or better yet, making sand angels as you work on that summer tan! Imagine splashing around in refreshingly cool waters that are so unbelievably transparent you’d think you were in a swimming pool at a Seychelles beach resort. Popular beaches to visit are Beau Vallon, Baie Lazare and Anse Source d’Argent – to name a few of course!
The wild beckons
Wildlife lovers will absolutely adore Seychelles and its abundance of beautiful animals! Head to Morne Seychellois National Park; home to the carnivorous Pitcher Plant, or Vallee de Mai and Silhouette Island; famous for giant turtles and colourful coral reefs.
Underwater world
Speaking of coral reefs, the islands of Seychelles are absolutely blessed with them; as they are teeming with an abundant variety of marine creatures and activities like snorkelling and diving, which are usually offered at properties like AVANI Seychelles Barbarons Resort & Spa are a definite must.
The weather
If you’re on the hunt for a tropical island destination with clear blue skies and warm weather, there’s no better place to go than Seychelles. What are you waiting for?! Book your tickets now!
Fritzjames Stephen is a travel writer, who writes content based on the myriad of experiences and indulgences that the world has to offer travellers across all walks of life.