When you are in Thailand, things to do and see are simply endless. It is convenient to reserve a place ideally situated closer to the attractions in the Golden triangle. If you are looking for a luxury hotel Chiang Rai has many in store for you. Anantara Golden Triangle Thailand is one of the best Chiang Rai hotels recommended by most of the visitors to the city as a comfortable stay. This hotel will give you easy access to three countries within a day. You can take up on various adventure excursions such as mountain climbing, trekking, bird watching fishing, sightseeing in ancient city of Laana and Hall of opium, mountain biking and tail boat trips. You can also discover the night markets, souvenir shops and many other street shops while tasting authentic Thai cuisine from the stylish restaurants in the city.
Chandrishan Williams is a travel writer who writes under the pen name, Caleb Falcon. He specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers.