Everyone seems to simply love Indonesia. Read on to discover some incredible facts about this fascinating country. It might even inspire you to consider a holiday at one of the Bintan hotels the likes of The Residence Bintan.

When you think of Indonesia, the first place it reminds you of is Bali. A scenic island in the country, all tourists visit this island at some point or other during their visit to Indonesia.
Komodo Dragon Island
This island is reigned by Komodo Dragons, who have survived extinction as a result of being isolated in their own territory. These beautiful animals are wild and free, so refrain from trying to touch or feed them.
Friendly Locals
Though it sounds like a cliché, a visit to Indonesia does let you meet some of the nicest locals in the world. Most often than not, they have a smile on their faces. And the ones who live in rural areas will welcome you as warmly as they can.
Indonesian cuisine incorporates incredible flavours. The fresh herbs and the large amounts of spices they use in their dishes make eating them a delightful experience.