As one of only two whale-watching hubs in the country, most travellers head to Mirissa Beach to engage in this activity. Here’s what you need to know about signing up for this experience.

Timing is Everything
Tourists heading to Mirissa specifically to take part in whale watching tours must visit the beach hotspot between the months of December and March. This is the time of year when whales and dolphin species occupy the coast of Mirissa Beach in large numbers as they make their way to colder climates. Those who visit Mirissa during the months from May to June or September to November, on the other hand, will find that whale watching is not possible due to the monsoon rains and the low chances of sighting the creatures.
Finding the Right Tour Operator
There are several tour operators organising whale-watching excursions in Mirissa including the Sri Lanka Navy. In addition to selecting a tour package that fits your budget, it is also crucial to check online reviews of these tour companies and their track record to weed out the undesirables. Those who are based at the Lantern Boutique Hotel or any other rest shouldn’t forget to book a reliable operator through the hotel as whale watching is one of the best things to do in Mirissa.
Tips for First-Timers
Avoid consuming a large meal or breakfast before setting out on the tour as nausea can set in quite easily even if one is not prone to motion sickness. Those who have motion sickness or suffer from car sickness should take medication prior to embarking on the tour.
What to Take
Apart from a camera and a bottle of water, whale watchers would benefit from carrying a set of binoculars.