Want to learn of Namibia’s colonial past and rich heritage under one roof? Then head to the National Museum of Namibia which is the oldest of its kind in the country.

Where is it found?
The National Museum of Namibia is a historical and zoological museum and is found in Windhoek’s oldest surviving building which was where the German Schutztruppe was headquartered during the later years of the 19th century.
Who was it founded by?
The Imperial German administration of German South West Africa established the Museum in 1907 and it was initially referred to as the ‘Landesmuseum.’
Current Ownership
Falling under the purview of the Namibian Government, the Museum is governed by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture while the Chief Curator at the time of writing is Ms. Nzila Marina Mubusisi.
What’s showcased?
Worthy of mention is the Museum’s spectacular collection of rock art that boasts impressive and detailed reproductions which include those of the Ovambo People. The more you meander, the more chances you give yourself to uncover facets of Namibian lifestyles and traditions that have withstood changing times and attitudes. During the course of your visit, you are bound to stumble upon huts made with use of straw together with depictions and memorabilia from the country’s colonial past and its struggle for independence. Additionally, the moment you step out of the Museum, you will witness a vast number of coaches and engines that were once put to use as part of Namibia’s narrow gauge train service. In the event you seek a convenient mode of accommodation from where you may call by the National Museum of Namibia, then opt for Avani Windhoek Hotel & Casino which is among the most sosught-after Windhoek hotels.