Though many of these stories endeared the pirates to the general public, it is doubtful that sailors on ships that sailed to the Caribbean had the same rosy picture of pirates! Piracy was rampant in the Caribbean from the late 1600’s to the mid 1800’s and was finally brought under control by cooperation of the colonial naval forces that controlled the area.
Piracy had its beginnings with the shipwrecked French, English and Dutch sailors who came to the Caribbean; without any means of going back home and no money to live on, they banded together to steal from the trading ships that used to ply across the Atlantic Ocean laden with cash crops, gold and various other treasures of the new world.
The turbulent politics and the wars that were being fought in Europe between the colonial nations of France, England, Holland, Portugal and Spain meant that these men who banded together regardless of their nationality found a new common identity and sought to identify themselves as more than just thieves. Tales of heroic sea voyages and new world mysticism only served to enhance their reputation.

Visitors staying at a wellness retreat in this region can participate in scuba diving expeditions to pirate shipwrecks and visit museum dedicated to their legacy. Guests who wish to experience healthy living can opt to stay at COMO Shambhala as it offers good accommodation packages along with truly rejuvenating wellness options.