Take in the aroma, feast your eyes upon the fresh ingredients and the meticulous work that goes into preparing your meal; witness amazing food prepared right in front of your eyes by a skilful chef! Savour food that is cooked to perfection through an age-old Japanese culinary technique. Read on to know more about Teppanyaki.

What is teppanyaki
Teppanyaki is a post-world war two food preparation method that has been created by the Japanese. This method of preparing food involves grilling fresh ingredients on a hot griddle and cooking them to perfection.
The concept
The concept of this cooking style is getting the person who will savour the dish to see the meticulous process that goes into cooking and helping him/her to appreciate food. The chefs who prepare the food are also very much skilled and they certainly make the dining experience more visually appealing by performing a few tricks while they prepare food.
Popular teppanyaki dishes
Grilled wagyu beef, perfectly seared scallops, grilled mushrooms and the iconic and delicious teppanyaki fried dish are some of the unique teppanyaki dishes that are worth trying.
Where can I find teppanyaki food
You can savour Teppanyaki dishes at popular Japanese eateries and specialized teppanyaki restaurants the likes of Benihana Thailand. Also, make sure to record the cooking process and to share it with your friends.
Auburn Silver is a travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world. Google+ |