The capital of the Maldives, Male may be small in size, but it has plenty of diversity. From cultural attractions to lively markets, this island is well worth exploring and won’t take much time either.

How ‘small’ is small?
Male is often referred to as being small for good reason; its length is around 1.7 km and it is only 1 km wide. In fact, you can actually walk around the island in about an hour! You do get accommodation options here too and you can choose travel specialists like Vacation Maldives to help you find a suitable place to stay at.
Cultural escapades
To soak up some culture while on your holiday to Maldives you can visit some of Male’s main attractions. This includes the ancient Hukuru Miskiy or Friday Mosque which dates back to the 17th century, the more grand and modern Islamic Centre and the National Museum to name a few.
Shopping excursions
Male is a great place to buy some unique souvenirs. Chandhanee Magu is a popular street when it comes to shopping and features shops selling local handicrafts. For a different experience head to the Fish Market and see a colourful traditional market in action.
The island also has some wonderful cafes and restaurants for you to try a whole range of cuisine; look to sample typical local fare, though you will also be able to find favourites from other countries too.
Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+