The building of the Sanctuary of Truth has been constructed to look like a cathedral but taking into consideration the architecture of the Ayutthaya temples.
What’s in a Name?
The building’s delicate carvings were done by hand by Lek Viriyaphan who died in the year 2000. The structure’s interiors are decorated in many different kinds of East Asian architecture including Khmer, Chinese, Hindu and Thai traditions.

The History
Constructed in 1981, the building’s purpose was to foster the goodness in people and encourage them to be kind to each other. It is still incomplete but completely available for touring and is often visited by tourists staying at a Pattaya beach resort. This means if you are booked into Avani Pattaya Resort, you can visit this place easily.
Physical Setting
The rooftop is adorned in a Four-Faced Brahma statue that is meant to represent the parents, teacher and king. The Northern Hall is representative of wisdom from emancipation and the Southern Hall represents the planets. The Western Hall tells the story of the planets and the Eastern Hall reflects the importance of love and relationships.
There is so much to see and explore in the Sanctuary of Truth from inside the castle and from looking at the castle from a vantage point. There are guided tours in Russian, Chinese and English.
The Architecture
The indoor makes up 2,115 sq. metres and the building is constructed in the shape of a tetrahedron as cathedrals are.