While on holiday it is considered an absolute necessity to pamper oneself with the specific luxury spa and beauty treatments belonging to that particular destination. Asia, acknowledged by many to be the cradle of civilization, harbours many treatments that benefit one’s health just as much as one’s pleasure.
While there are hundreds of therapies found in the continent, this article is dedicated to the two that are commonly found but is still luxurious- after all, you do deserve more than a bit of pampering after all that hard work right?
Let’s begin in Thailand. Thai massage therapy dates as far back 2500 years ago as the founder of this type of massage is considered to be Shivago Komarpaj, the official physician of the Gautama Buddha.
While ancient Thai massages were practiced by using no oils or lotions and had the patient fully clothed; the modern day variation uses a blend of healing oils and has developed into an ultra glamorous luxury offered at the many 5 Star resorts in Thailand.

One of the best examples of this is the Thai Herbal Massage which uses a variety of ingredients, most of which are actually found in the Tom Kam Gai Soup!
In the golden days of Sri Lanka, Kings and Queen were treated with much opulence to the ancient healing method of Ayurveda. Even after thousands of years later, Ayurveda is still practiced throughout the country.
Through the help of many reputed travel blog sites such as The Luxury Travel Channel, you can find out about the best luxury spa resorts to experience an Ayurvedic therapy. One example would be the Shirodhara treatment.
If you check into a luxury hotel for this treatment you will be asked to stay for a period of three days. During this time the treatment will be administered to you for about an hour every day.

The therapy starts with a consultation with a physician who will prescribe the specific medicinal oils and blends that are ideal for your body type. During Shirodhara, a canister of oil is hung directly over the head, and through a hole in the container, the oils are gently poured into the “third eye” area of the forehead.
Results of this treatment include the relieving of pain and stress as well as bringing in the absolute calm and relaxation.
Catalina Forbes is a travel writer who bases her content on many thrilling escapades experienced across the world. Google+