The Cultural Village of Qatar is a channel through which the country keeps up with the ever-evolving cultures around the world while preserving and nurturing Qatari culture.

The Cultural Village Foundation was set up in order to raise cultural awareness among Qatari people and educate them about the importance of other cultures. Located beside the waterfront, and 18 minutes from Al Najada Doha Hotel by Tivoli, is the Cultural Village of Qatar. With art galleries, theatres, concert halls, and state-of-the-art facilities, Katara endeavours to give Qatari people and tourists a cultural focus.
The Katara Cultural Village was established with the view to making Qatar the centre of Middle Eastern cultures. The village brings together people from every culture and creates unity through various cultural activities and performances. It also creates a united front involving numerous other cultures while preserving Qatar’s own heritage.
Meaning of the name ‘Katara’
The name Katara or Catara goes back to 150 AD. When he first discovered Qatar Peninsula, Claudius Ptolemaeus gave it the name Catara. The name also can be found in early geographical records that date back to the 18th century.
The goal
The Cultural Village aims to be the pioneer of cultural activities in the region, and by doing so, the village endeavours to promote Qatari culture and find a semblance of integration with other cultures.
As a tourist attraction
Katara is one of the major tourist attractions in the country. The workshops and the cultural activities are a massive draw for tourists so much so that you can find some of the best hotels in Doha within proximity to the village.