With white sandy beaches, clear blue waters and stunning reefs, the Maldives is an enticing holiday getaway. Escape the stresses of everyday life, and embark on an island adventure, with a guide to the best activities and excursions in the Maldives.
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Watch Dolphins On A Sunset Cruise
For a glass of champagne in your hand, and a glowing sunset on the horizon, sunset cruises offer some of the best views of the archipelago. Most excursions are accompanied by pods of spinner and bottlenose dolphins.
Snorkel Through Rich Coral
The Maldives is synonymous with coral reefs, found lining every island. Snorkel through these breathtaking underwater landscapes, past schools of colourful reef fish, nudibranchs, and sea turtles; one of the most essential activities to do in Maldives.
Dive in a UNESCO-Protected Biosphere
For more encounters with the marine world, dive into the waters of Hanifaru Bay, located in the renowned Baa Atoll. This protected marine reserve is rich in biodiversity, home to Manta feeding stations swarming with the graceful creatures. Diving excursions from resorts like Amilla Maldives allow guests to experience this fascinating ecosystem, with sightings of up to 200 Manta Rays at a time.
Explore A Local Island
Beyond its natural wonders, the heart of the Maldives lies within its communities. Venture away from your private resort, and tour a local Maldivian island. Learn the art of traditional crafts, embark on a pole-and-line fishing excursion, and sample authentic Maldivian cuisine.