Built during the administration of Cuban President Gerardo Machado, El Capitolio is a must-visit attraction in Havana during your wait for one of the Caribbean island flights offered by popular airlines such as interCaribbean Airways.

This iconic building is built upon a previous railroad terminal that belonged to Villanueva Railway. It was commissioned in 1926 and its construction proceedings were regulated by Purdy and Henderson, a U.S. firm. To finish the construction of El Capitol, it has taken over three years and the sweat of approximately 5000 workers.
El Capitolio’s design is often compared to the United States Capitol; however, it is not a replica of the US Capitol. Although they look identical, the Cuban version is higher, wider, and longer by one metre than its Washington D.C. counterpart.
Central Portico
The portico of the building can be accessed by a granite staircase that is 36 metres wide and 16 metres high. Once you reach the end of the staircase, you can see two bronze sculptural groups by Angelo Zanelli, an Italian sculptor.
Statue of the Republic
The statue of the Republic located in El Capitolio premises is a figure of a woman who is dressed in a tunic, along with a shield, lance, and helmet. It is hailed as the third-largest indoor statue of the world.