There is more to making the perfect impression at a meeting than just talking smart! You might be surprised to find that even the minute details of your attire will say a lot about who you are. Therefore, given below are a few tips to dress smartly:

Display professionalism
Whether you are a professional in your field or not, wearing a suit to a meeting would always make one look smart and productive. A chic dress or classy office pants paired with a blouse and jacket would be ideal for women.
Skin exposure
Your meeting might be at a Tioman business hotel such as the popular Berjaya Tioman Resort, however, this does not mean that you may wear overly revealing clothing. Women dressed in revealing attire at the meeting can be too distracting to others while men dressed in shorts and t-shirts are seen as unprofessional.
The ideal blouse
The blouse you wear should complement your upper body without being too revealing. This being said, a silk blouse or close weave sweater, with soft colours and patterns would be best.
The perfect tie
Ties are a must, especially if men decide to go with a suite for the meeting. Here again, soft colours and patterns would look best for the occasion. However, when dressed in business casuals, a tie is not needed.
Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+