The beach can be the most natural source of vitamin sea to boost your wellness and lift your spirits for a new day. A walk by the beach as you feel your feet sink into the soft golden beads of sand and dwell in the soft-spoken ocean breezes that whisper tales of serenity is a state of mind that you should often long to travel to, and here’s why.

A Doorway to Good Health
A little bit of morning sun on the beach is the best form to absorb the goodness of vitamin D into your body. While indulging in a moment of recess at a luxury resort in Phuket, make sure to step out into the beach, lay down and soak up nature’s morning gift to prosper in health. Be sure to squeeze in a little bit of sunscreen in the right SPF amounts to avoid burnt skin.
Blend into the Natural Elements of the Ocean
The ocean is a spa of its own kind. Rejuvenate your skin and soul as you immerse in the salty waves of the ocean that gifts you seaweed, sea salt and even algae, a promising escapade into the exotic goodness of the sea as the wind leads you to the beach at SAii Laguna Phuket.
A Stress-Free Getaway
Why is the beach so popular among tourists? As you gaze far beyond the horizon, one cannot deny the serene state of mind that the ocean leads you to. While consumed in worldly tribulations that shake up your soul, the ocean allows you to discover yourself in the splashing waves. Not to forget the undeniably quaint views that take your breath away.
A Moment of Joy
The ocean assures your lost soul a moment of joy. Beach therapy is perhaps the most underrated form of reconciliation that most tend to overlook. Humans build their connection with water even before they were born, through the amniotic fluid in the womb. Hence, water is a driving force of survival and joy to humans that discover pure bliss in the face of a majestic ocean.