Built for all seas and weathers and with each Dhoni dissimilar to the others, these sturdy vessels built with wooden planks are definitely worth experiencing while in Maldives. It is also very likely that with the Maldives being a chain of islands, a traveller will invariably require the use of these hand crafted vessels with incredible design and craftsmanship. It has even managed to combine quite well with the new diesel engines and thus its efficiency has risen tremendously.
Dhonis though they are usually handmade now come in a fibreglass form which is mass produced to meet today’s extensive requirements. The traditional craft is built of wood around a strong wooden frame and is sturdy enough to be used in different sea conditions. Being the extremely versatile vessel that it is, the Dhoni is used both for fishing expeditions as well as for passenger transport across the isles of the Maldives. It is also well known that when the sea gets rough, an experienced person’s choice of vessel would invariably be this one. These come in different proportions as sometimes dictated by the owners and are actually made without a specific blueprint, according to the general directions given by the prospective owner. Their remarkable variety is perhaps owing to this character. In earlier days a sail was utilized but presently that task is taken over by the motors attached to the boat. However a sail may be used whenever there is a good breeze as an additional advantage for the journey.
Get into a Dhoni straight from the island based airport and you can arrive at another great location like the villas of Anantara, Kihavah. Discover another supreme location within your holiday destination as you set foot into this magical villa in Maldives overlooking the crystal clear turquoise blue ocean waters sparkling in the sunshine. Lounge in those reclining chairs, go snorkeling or slumber to the melody of the waves embracing the shore. With its name meaning ‘endlessness’ this one stands out as one of the most sought after Maldives resorts, simply due to its magical location and endless dreamy experiences. The villas of Anantara are so built as to isolate you and bring you closer to this delightful sea life, opening up unique experiences like dining at its underwater restaurant, the only one in the world.