With a name that translates into ‘life knowledge’, this ancient form of medicine is around five thousand years old. It is believed that the knowledge behind Ayurveda wasn’t discovered by humans, but passed on to them by the Gods themselves. It is currently garnering immense interest from the western world and when it comes to Ayurveda, Sri Lanka is one of the most popular destinations for a wellness vacation since there are many specialised resorts such as Heritance Ayurveda Maha Gedara.
The list of symptoms and ailments that can be cured by this enigmatic school of medicine is incredibly broad, and many practitioners believe that this is because Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause instead of the symptoms.
Stress is one of the minor ailments that can be treated by this medicinal art, and it has been proven by St.Elizabeth’s Medican Centre in Massachusetts. In their research, involving thirty-five yoga trials, twenty-five proved to significantly reduce stress. Yoga is one of the most fundamental aspects of Ayurveda, along with breathing exercises, herbal treatments and meditation. All of these concepts were proved to have a very positive effect on reducing stress.
Weight loss is another significant factor that results from Ayurvedic medicine, thanks to the ingredients involves in many of the components that are used in the treatments. A great amount of the herbals oils that are implemented in the massages contain substances that contribute to weight loss. Maintaining a strong healthy diet is also integral to health so the two factors entwine to create visible changes in weight in short periods of time.
Insomnia can easily be cured through treatments such as jasmine and coconut-oil massages, drinking almond-milk or chamomile tea, and consuming healthy food devoid of factors such as caffeine.

Roland Lefevre is a travel writer who specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe. Google+