The Bayt Nassif is one of the most ancient and historically significant mansions you’ll find in Al-Balad. From its intricate design to its fascinating layout, this is one of the best architectural attractions you can visit during your time in Jeddah.

The History
The Bayt Nassif’s construction began in 1872 and was meant to serve as the residence of the local governor – Sheikh Omar Effendi Nassif. Construction was completed in 1881 and the house remained as the property of the Nassif family till 1972.
The Layout
The layout of the mansion is what makes it truly stand out from similar construction works. All in all, there are over 100 rooms here with many containing priceless works of art – from grand paintings to ornate sculptures.
The Tree
Aside from the building itself, the Bay Nassif is famous for sheltering one of the few trees you’ll find in the entirety of Jeddah. The neem tree that grows here is a hardy survivor that’s almost as old as the mansion itself.
The Bayt Nassif, Today
If you’re staying at one of the centrally-located Jeddah apartments – say, for instance, the Ascott Sari Jeddah – a visit to the Bay Nassif is a must. Even after all these years, it still continues to draw in travellers from all across the globe.