While full of elusive enchantments, from setting sail on a traditional pearl diving vessel to intimate looks into picturesque ancient neighbourhoods, Bahrain’s subtly proud glamour is best encapsulated by the imperial echoes of the Bahrain Fort and its cutting-edge museum.

A Heritage Masterpiece
A brooding castle staring out at the sparkling Gulf, Bahrain Fort, with its artistically crumbling open-air corridors, remnants of gracious diverse buildings, and even the centuries-old mound it looms on, isn’t just a legendary sight for beauty lovers, it also holds a wealth of that help understand the workings of the Dilmun Empire and its successors.
An Archaeological Cornerstone
From visiting old pearl merchant villas decorated with coral, delicate woodwork, and patterned screens to admiring the European and Southeast-Asian architectural intricacies of Ahmad Al-Fateh Grand Mosque, you can’t escape history-and-culture-riddled sights in Bahrain. However, the UNESCO-listed Bahrain Fort and its attractive museum hosting over 500 stunning archaeological finds, arrestingly steals the show!
An Edutainment Experience
While you may fear getting bored in such an ancient enclave harking back to 3000 BCE, in reality, there are few more exhilarating ways to immerse in history, with the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities welcoming visitors with regular sound and light shows. If you’re looking for sophisticated Bahrain serviced apartments, venture no further than Somerset Al Fateh Bahrain.
An Essential Tour Stop
While there are numerous allurements in Bahrain, from a Formula 1 Grand Prix track to the world’s biggest themed underwater diving park, its culture and heritage tours are a must to enrich your trip, with Bahrain Fort opening up a spine-tingling world of fascination.