Many people think that the Middle Eastern region with its vast deserts, scanty rainfall and arid climate is virtually sans flora and fauna. This is a total misconception. Arabian flora and fauna are plentiful and spectacular and the region is divided into 05 eco regions with different types of flora and fauna. The areas include the Arabian Desert (including shrub lands), Gulf of Oman desert, Southwestern Arabia mountainous woodlands and the Southwestern Arabian foothills savannah while the Island of Scootra is regarded as a tiny sixth region.
Trips to see Arabian flora and fauna are thrilling and informative. Even though it has an arid climate and very little rainfall Abu Dhabi has a rich variety of native plants (approximately 3,500) of which the date palm is the most popular. Many species of fauna like the rock hyrax and striped hyena can be found in the wild life preserve at Sir Bani Yas Island which is nestled in the Arabian Gulf. Sir Bani Yas Island hotels provide ample comfort and if you are looking for luxury and wildlife Anantara Sir Bani Yas Island Al Sahel Villa Resort in the heart of the nature preserve would be a good choice.
Plants in this region to survive with very little water and is salt –tolerant. Salt bush, acacia, date palms, ghaf, milk weed, euphorbias which are plants with a milky juice and flowers with no petals (found in Hijaz),juniper, caper , frankincense and myrrh (found in lower Dhofar,Oman) mustard, citrus and rice are among the flora of the Arabian Peninsula. In the higher regions are peaches, grapes and prickly pears.
The camel, striped hyena, rock hyrax, Cape hare, Arabian wolf, sand and mountain gazelles, Arabian Oryx, caracals, red foxes, sand cats, hawks bill turtles and the Arabian tahr (a rare mountain goat) are among the fauna of the Arabian Peninsula. Eagles and falcons, bustards, vultures, wheatears are among the bird species and the scarab beetle and varieties of scorpions are among the insects in this region. The sand boa, Arabian cobra and diadem snake are some reptile species inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula.
Fritzjames Stephen is a travel writer, who writes content based on the myriad of experiences and indulgences that the world has to offer travellers across all walks of life.