Those who love the outdoors and hiking heading to Gaborone should ensure they add Kgale Hill to their itinerary and here’s more on what awaits at this natural attraction.
The Hill’s Location

Located in Botswana’s capital, Kgale Hill is relatively easy to reach for those based in the city. It is only around 2 km from the Game City Shopping Mall and within a 20-minute drive from Avani Gaborone Resort & Casino. Interestingly, the hill’s name translates to “The Place that Dried Up” in Setswana.
Height & Routes
Reaching a height of approximately 1,287 metres, this hill which is nicknamed “The Sleeping Giant”, has three routes to the summit for those looking to go hiking here from their hotels in Gaborone, Botswana. One such route is Cross Kopje, while the Transfeldt Trail will take around 60 minutes by foot; alternatively, there’s Rusty’s Route though keep in mind that it has some areas that are steep.
What to Expect
Hikers can look forward to an enjoyable day amidst nature on their way to the summit; from this vantage point, one can take in stunning panoramas of Gaborone and the surrounding areas. You may also encounter baboons on your visit though don’t get too close! Additionally, when hiking in summer, look to begin early morning to avoid the heat.
Fascinating Facts
Apart from being a tourist attraction, Kgale Hill is included in the 15 km route of a race titled “PPC King of the Hill” which starts and ends at the PPC Botswana office. Another interesting fact is that part of the hill was used as a backdrop when filming the TV series, “The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency”, based on the books by Alexander McCall Smith.