Maldives, located a degree south of the equator, experiences typical tropical weather throughout the entire year. It has a monsoonal climate, with two discrete seasons; the northeast monsoon that brings along the dry season and the southwest monsoon that carries the wet season. From January to March, the northeast monsoon spreads itself over the atolls; changing over in April to the southwest monsoon that then occurs from May to November, where December changes over again to the northeast monsoon.
European travellers are recommended to visit the Maldives during the winter weather as it is during this time of the year that the weather in Europe is cold and uncomfortable. During the “summer” period, the island experiences lovely weather with pleasing temperatures; however there is a high certainty of heavy rainfall. Intense rains carried across with strong winds are expected during this time, and arrive at the most unexpected time. They may last for a few hours or occur at several times a day.
The best time to travel to the Maldives is during its dry season; the weather is perfect for relaxing under the warm sun or taking a dive down to the beautiful city of corals and marine life. The heavenly weather drifts through the entire year and the temperature of the ocean never comes down below comfortable levels.
Countries that experience monsoonal weather have their own means of determining the arrival of a monsoon. Traditionally, the onset of the southwest monsoons was predicted when three or more successive days of rainfall and transformation of the wind directions occurred.
The island’s temperature rarely changes within the twenty-four hours and rain can pour down at any time and without a vague warning. Weather patterns are specifically predicted in accordance of the two monsoon seasons. The Maldivians have created their own calendar to determine the weather, based on the single stars that are matched against the moon or the sun. The calendar of Nakaiy shows a cycle of thirteen or fourteen day period with a conventional weather pattern.
Whenever you decide to visit this beautiful archipelago you can expect the best of service and exclusive hospitality at any of the Maldives Island Resorts. Providing the best service for its guests is a popular Maldives Hotel, Nalandhu Maldives.